Minus 18 Queer Youth Formal
The sparkliest night of the year is back – almost!
We’re closing out a rollercoaster of a year the only way we know how: with a huge glittering, rainbow celebration of YOU, our Minus18 community.
Even though we’d love nothing more than to celebrate and dance the night away with you, we’ll be taking Queer Formal online so everyone can join in the fun safely, whatever your location.
But you better believe this will be an unforgettable, Pride-filled, lavish night, streamed LIVE from St Kilda Town Hall.
And depending on where you are, you’ll also be able to tune into our live broadcast with your pals, in your Queer Formal best!
For youth aged 12 to 19 only
Completely FREEE
Tickets available now!

Expect special guests, live performances, drag and LOADS more. Stay up to date with all our announcements here and on Insta (@minus18youth).